In Sci nel gruppo del GP1

Skiing in the Gran Paradiso Group

Skiing in the Gran Paradiso Group

We notice to the members this interesting article entitled "In skiing in the Gran Paradiso Group", written by Carlo Crovella and recently published in "Monti e Valli" (online magazine of CAI Torino). The article contains a lot of information that derives from detailed orographic and even historical analyzes, which makes its reading interesting for all 4000 fans.

In Sci nel gruppo del GP1In Sci nel gruppo del GP2

Year 2020 calendar is available


Club400 year 2020 Calendar is out, featuring as usual the photos submitted by club members.

Members can buy the calendar (price is 12,00 € - 15,00 € for non members)

Payment via bank transfer to "CAI Torino Club 4000",

IBAN:  IT91B0200801137000103565012; BIC SWIFT: UNCRITM1AD7; Bank: UniCredit Banca Ag. 37 Torino

specifying the purpose of the payment "Acquisto calendario Club4000".

Foto Assemblea

Meeting and social dinner 2019

Meeting and social dinner 2019 - Turin

The 2019 annual meeting of the Club 4000 took place at the Meeting Center of the Museo della Montagna in Turin. The assembly was held with more than 50 members present. The agenda was as follows:

- Report of the President

- Report of the Treasurer

- Summary of the year

- Members who have concluded the "collection"

- Update on the new access route to the Capanna Sella

- A Club 4000 also in France

- New Club 4000 website

- New Club 4000 logo

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If you did not attend the meeting, you can read the written report. But don't miss it next year!


At the end of the meeting, as usual, the members present had dinner together at the restaurant of the Monte dei Cappuccini, adjacent to the premises where the assembly was held and from which there is a magnificent panorama of Turin, Piazza Vittorio and the Mole Antonelliana.


You can consult and download the material that was shown by the speakers during the meeting.

Il Club 4000, Gruppo del Club Alpino Italiano, sezione di Torino, riunisce gli alpinisti che hanno salito almeno 30 vette superiori ai 4000 m sulle 82 dell'elenco ufficiale UIAA.

Il Club 4000 vuol essere il punto di riferimento e di incontro per scambi di informazioni, documentazione ed esperienze

tra i praticanti l'alpinismo in alta quota con particolare riferimento alle vette delle Alpi superiori ai 4000 metri.

© 2024 CAI Torino Tutti i diritti riservati.