
Francesco Bianco


The Club 4000, through its board, expresses its heartfelt condolences to the family of Francesco Bianco (Franco), visionary, co-founder, and driving force behind our Club.

In his simplicity, Franco never wished to complete the ascent of all the 4000-meter peaks, as for him, leaving something unfinished helped to keep dreams alive.

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2025 Calendars


This year the calendars will be sold in the annual member's meeting or by the Libreria La Montagna (Via sacchi 28 bis 10128 Torino, phone +39​​0115620024, mail info@librerialamontagna.it): https://librerialamontagna.it/calendari/12348-calendario-2025-club-4000.html


20.00 € cover price

18.00 € to Cai members

15.00 € to Club 4000 members


Shipping is also possible contacting the Libreria La Montagna, the cost will depend on the quantity and on the international shipping, to be checked with the bookshop.

foto contest 2024

Photo Contest 2024

foto contest 2024

After last year's success we decided to replicate the photo contest, obviously free and open to all!

The rules are simple: we ask you to send only ONE picture by email to the address concorso@club4000.club accompanied by your surname/name, title of the photo and the 4000 it refers to. The subject must be panoramas or details of the mountains that are part of the 4000 official Alps, no selfies or people group photos.

The selection will start from September and you will be able to vote for the most beautiful photos by putting a 'like'.

At the end of the competition, the first 3 classified will be awarded as follows:
1st place: Club 4000 2025 calendar
2nd place: Club 4000 bandana
3rd place: Club 4000 cloth patch

The winners will be invited to the Club 4000 assembly to be held in Turin on 23rd November 2024.

You have until August 31st to submit your photo!

However, the contest will close when the maximum number of 60 pictures is reached.

The selection will start on 10/09/24 and the publications will be made every Tuesday and you can vote until Friday at 13:00. At this point in the day, the list of photos that have passed the selection round will be published.
In the first 3 weeks, 20 photos will be published per week and the top 10 of each will be selected.
In the following 3 weeks, 10 photographs will be published for each week and 4 will be selected.
The 12 photographs remaining in the competition will be published in groups of 6 over the next 2 weeks and 3 of these will be selected per week.
In the last week there will be the finale which will see the publication of the 6 finalist photos in the competition.


Il Club 4000, Gruppo del Club Alpino Italiano, sezione di Torino, riunisce gli alpinisti che hanno salito almeno 30 vette superiori ai 4000 m sulle 82 dell'elenco ufficiale UIAA.

Il Club 4000 vuol essere il punto di riferimento e di incontro per scambi di informazioni, documentazione ed esperienze

tra i praticanti l'alpinismo in alta quota con particolare riferimento alle vette delle Alpi superiori ai 4000 metri.

© 2024 CAI Torino Tutti i diritti riservati.