
2023 Calendars


This year the calendars will be sold in the annual member's meeting or by the Libreria La Montagna (Via sacchi 28 bis 10128 Torino, phone +39​​0115620024, mail


20.00 € cover price

18.00 € to Cai members

15.00 € to Club 4000 members


Shipping is also possible contacting the Libreria La Montagna, the cost will depend on the quantity and on the international shipping, to be checked with the bookshop.


Waldemar Niclevicz


Waldemar Niclevicz

It is with pleasure that we greet the exploit of Waldemar Niclevicz, Brazilian mountaineer, first non-European member of Club4000, and first Brazilian, to complete the climb of all 82 4000m peaks in the Alps: a collection that began in August 1991 with the ascents of Cervino and Mont Blanc and completed on 21 April 2022 with the ascent of the Aiguille du Jardin (4035M) in the Mont Blanc massif.

This goal is added to other notable records of Waldemar: the first Brazilian to climb Everest and K2, to complete the climb of the Seven Summits, as well as 7 of the 14 8000m peaks.

Congratulations Waldemar, um grande abraço do Club4000 e parabéns pela conquista.


[Giorgio Tori]


Andrea Lanfri on the Everest


Andrea Lanfri on the Everest

We didn't have time to greet him at the Annual Assembly last November, when Andrea Lanfri "ran away" again up the mountains… and what mountains. Not satisfied with the 4000, climbed with the "Five Peaks" project in 2020 and the crossing of the Rosa in 2021, Andrea "doubles" and takes home the conquest of Everest, passing directly from 4000 of the Alps to 8848 meters of the highest peak. high in the world.

The enterprise began on March 23, when Andrea left with his friend and mountain guide Luca Montanari, with whom he formed the consortium that brought him from the Base Camp, through all the acclimatization phases and reaching the fields. intermediates, to conquer the summit: on May 13th at 6:00 local time Andrea reached the summit of Everest, becoming the first multi-amputee athlete and climber to reach the summit.

Before the departure he joked about it: "I want to try to touch the sky with three fingers, and in my situation there is also an advantage: my feet can't freeze" and with great tenacity and hard preparation work he made it. A great example of tenacity, passion, willpower.

Great Andrea, a point of reference for all of us.


[Giorgio Tori]

Il Club 4000, Gruppo del Club Alpino Italiano, sezione di Torino, riunisce gli alpinisti che hanno salito almeno 30 vette superiori ai 4000 m sulle 82 dell'elenco ufficiale UIAA.

Il Club 4000 vuol essere il punto di riferimento e di incontro per scambi di informazioni, documentazione ed esperienze

tra i praticanti l'alpinismo in alta quota con particolare riferimento alle vette delle Alpi superiori ai 4000 metri.

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